Experience More
at Industry Standard Prices

Incredible stock trading & investing at industry standard prices.

For Account Opening,

Open free account with zero..

For IPO & Mutual Funds

Absolutely FREE! No hidden charges ever..

For Equity Intraday & All Segment Futures

₹20 or 0.02% of trade value per LOT, whichever is higher.

For All Segment Options

₹20 of trade value per LOT for equity options..


Charges Equity (Delivery) Equity (Intraday)
Brokerage ₹ 0.2% (Brokerage) ₹ 20 or 0.02% per executed order whichever is higher
Transaction charges BSE: 0.00375%
NSE: 0.00322%
BSE: 0.00375%
NSE: 0.00322%
GST 18% on brokerage + transaction charges + SEBI Turnover + IPFT/Other Tax 18% on brokerage + transaction charges + SEBI Turnover + IPFT/Other Tax
Securities Transaction Tax (STT) 0.1% on buy & sell 0.025% on sell transactions
SEBI Turnover fees 0.0001% of the turnover 0.0001% of the turnover
Stamp Duty 0.015% on turnover of buy orders 0.003% on turnover of buy orders
IPFT Charges 0.0001% of the turnover 0.0001% of the turnover

Brokerage Calculator


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NAM, your trusted full service brokerage since 1994:
Built on Trust, Transparency and Technology.

Experience Full-Service Benefits at Transparent Brokerage Rates

  • Access a wide range of services
  • No initial payment
  • No obligation for minimum transactions

Terms and Conditions for brokerage charges:

  • Account Eligibility : Borkerage and fees apply to all new accounts opened from july 01,2024.
  • Statutory charges are decided by government and stock exchanges as applicable form time to time.
  • Brokerage rates are subject to change with 15days prior intimation.
  • Contact Us: For more details on the brokerage charges, please reach out to a NAM representative.